Thursday, June 23, 2011

What is the purpose of life

What's the purpose of our lives. This is something that we think seldom than we should. Is the purpose of life to make money. Is it love. Is it fame. Is it about helping others. Is it a combination of all of these. Is it none of these.

When we are young we are moulded in our parents ambition. They want us to be hugely successful, educated, and have a career. As children we imbibe these vibes and embed in our hearts as the purposes in our lives. As we grow up and see this kind of a pattern repeating in successful people we cement in our hearts that this is the purpose of our life.

Then comesour youth where our hormones, hollywood and bollywood comes in and changes the equations a bit. It brings in love to the scheme of things. Finding love and falling in love suddenly seems all the more important purpose of our life. And once we leave our teenage years, and step into adulthood, suddenly, career takes over. We want to excel in our careers, gain knowledge, be rich, powerful and famous.

If you think about it, there has been no purpose in our lives. The so called purpose has just been the needs of our body and mind. We conveniently call them as "Goals" in our lives and follow them passionately. When we achieve them and we are happy for a while and then we set new goals and the cycle continues.

But, is there a purpose for a human life. A purpose that this magical and wonderful world had in mind when it created us. Did we come over here with a purpose to do something. Logically, someone would not create a miraculous world called earth and life just for us to come over here and struggle throughout our lives, without making any impact whatsoever and die.
There can be two ways to be looking at this. One is through the eyes of a religious person. If you are a ardent religious follower your view of this life might be as a entrance examination to heaven. There is little room for ambiguity here. You have come down here to live with limited resources, hardships to refine your character, abilities to help others. Now what you do with it qualifies you for a seat with the almighty.

The other angle is through the eyes of a evolutionist. Now if nature has evolved you with super computer like brain, it expects you to help itself in the next step for life. The most important and the only goal of evolution has been the survival of life. For life to survive it has to spread to as wider region as possible. It has been able to spread it almost all across the world. What is the final frontier left. Life Outside earth. That could be a purpose of human life, to spread life outside our earth. I do not know if we have the ability to do it. We might be one step in the evolution process towards that goal. But I am sure whoever makes that step, it is going to be the same reason that made fishes came out of oceans or why the reptiles left the ground and started flying. The desperation, or the inability to continue in the current environment was what might have forced the early ones to take that step into uncertainty. Humans certainly would not be into that kind of a desperate state for centuries to come. But when the time comes, will we be ready to make the move. Will we be evolved enough to survive the uncertain and unknown world outside our mother planet. Because if we don't what would happen to us is what happened to all those animals that are not with us anymore. Yes we will get extinct.