Saturday, September 5, 2009

Let us cherish life

Humanity has invented a lot of time saving devices. Automobiles were invented for saving time for transportation. Mobile phones and internet was invented for saving time spent on communication. Machines were been invented for saving time and effort in physical labour. Over the past century a million things have been invented for saving time, effort and labour of human kind. But when you compare the lifestyle of people who lived a century back and now, one wonders if these inventions have saved any time at all. Humans are getting more and more busy every day. They have less or no time for spending with the family and kids.
After a hectic day of work as a software developer at a reputable MNC as I return back to my house at 8 PM, days of my childhood when my dad used to be back home at exactly 5.30 PM flashes accross my mind. A friend of mine once went back to India and got married in a short span of 2 weeks as he could not get a longer leave. The timelessness in my future is suddenly striking me big time.
At this point of time I am left to wonder if the world did not have any of these devices would it have been more peacefull and less stressful. Would I have had time to gaze at the stars and enjoy a walk in the moonlight instead of checking my mails and browsing meaningless stuff on the internet.
It is also interesting to see the inherent nature of human being to outshine each other. As there exists no natural predator to human being we entertain ourselves by competing against eachother. Those who are not interested in this game or are bad at it are called words such as unsuccesful, loser and sometimes poor. In our mad race to out smart each other we fail to see the fact that the other person is also a fellow human being and we all are not here for long.

The population in 2009 is much much more than what we had in in 1909. We have so many new technologies, machines and time saving devices. Yet we do not have free time. Every man has to work more time to earn for his daily living. It clearly shows that there exists fundamental flaw in the direction humanity is progressing. It simply shows that however sophisticated and useful devices we develop our quality of life would keep degenerating in the future instead of improving.

It is something that we all should think about and take action. As a humanity are we just running around in circles. Are we over complicating things and swimming against the tide which was created by us in the first place. It takes a visionary to see the future and focus on things that are permanent. It takes nobility to be unaffected by public emotion and to take the path that is right. Out of this huge huge universe we are lucky to be at a place where we are self conscious. It is a gift that has been given upon us by nature. With the gift comes the great resposibility to use it for the special purpose it was given to us for. What is that resposibility is yet to be seen or would arise when the universe is in a calamity. It certainly is not to fight over eachother or to exploit all the natural resource of mother earth and make it unsuitable for life. Let us all as brothers and sisters, the inheriters of a great gift called life join our hands and work towards the betterment of life and happiness of everybody.

Let us cherish Life.........

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